Many students have asked us for ways of expressing frustration or anger, however we wanted to avoid swear words, those can be found in most movies nowadays. We thought we'd pass on some expressions, and their meaning.
Blow a fuse: If you blow a fuse, you suddenly lose your temper and become very angry: "Rodrigo blew a fuse yesterday when he discovered that his ipod had been stolen."
Cheesed off: If someone is cheesed off with something, they are annoyed, bored or frustrated: "Julie is absolutely cheesed off with her job".
For crying out loud: This expression is used to show irritation, exasperation or anger. "For crying out loud! Turn that television off!"
A bad hair day: Originating as a humorous comment about one's hair being unmanageable, this term has broadened to mean 'a day when everything seems to go wrong'. "What's wrong with Jenny? Is she having a bad hair day?"
Give it a rest! : If someone tells you to give it a rest, they are asking you to stop doing something such as complaining or talking continuously.
"All you talk about is politics - give it a rest...please! "
Go ballistic: When someone goes ballistic, they become very angry. "My dad went ballistic when he saw the state of the garden after the barbecue."
Good riddance: This expression is used to express relief at becoming free of an unpleasant or unwanted person or thing. "Our horrible neighbour has moved house, and all I can say is 'good riddance'!"
Kick yourself: If you feel like kicking yourself, you are angry with yourself for something you have done or not done. "I could have kicked myself for forgetting Julie's birthday."
Mind their own business: Telling someone to mind their own business is a way of saying that they are too interested in what other people are doing, or that they are interfering in something that does not concern them: "Don't tell me what to do - just mind your own business!"
Short fuse: When someone has a short fuse, they are likely to become angry easily or quickly. "Be careful how you explain the situation. The boss has a very short fuse these days!"
A storm is brewing: To say that a storm is brewing means that the atmosphere indicates that there is going to be trouble, probably with outbursts
of anger or emotion. "As soon as we saw Pete's face, we knew there was a storm brewing."
That's going too far! : If you go too far, you do something that is considered extreme or unacceptable. "Stealing is bad, but stealing from a poor person - that's going too far!"
Get off my back: If you tell somebody to get off your back, you ask them to stop finding faults or criticizing you. "Ok, I understand now get off my back and get on with it!"